Richard Moore In-Depth
Richard Moore In-Depth
Wednesday morning 3 A.M, January 25, 2023

Wednesday morning 3 A.M, January 25, 2023

Watching the Democratic presidential primary unfold

Welcome to the first Wednesday morning 3 A.M. as an audiocast. As I explain, I am moving shorter prices to audiocast format simply because I can get more information to subscribers in a timely fashion. These audiocasts will be short and may appear any day of the week. Don’t expect them to be polished or super-professional but I hope they will be informative. This is also a forerunner to a new podcast I will be developing this year—more info about that later but I am excited about it.

Finally, apologies for the audio quality, but I am just using the Substack audio channel. A major audio upgrade is in the works, but I simply wanted to start getting the info out there. Which leads to the next point: This week’s audiocasts are for everyone, but soon they will be for premium subscribers only. I hate it, but the reality is that the revenue is necessary if the technical upgrades are to be made.

And a little glitch in today’s episode—I promised to talk about the Wisconsin State of the State but didn’t get to it. I’ll post that tomorrow.

As always, I appreciate your support and don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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Richard Moore In-Depth
Richard Moore In-Depth
Independent investigative journalism, focusing on government accountability, transparency, civil liberties, and the dangers of the administrative state