Richard Moore In-Depth
Richard Moore In-Depth
Audiocast: A conversation with constitutional conservative Daniel Kelly

Audiocast: A conversation with constitutional conservative Daniel Kelly

The former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice seeks to preserve the rule of law as he makes a bid to return to state’s highest court.

Note: For those who prefer to read, an article with highlights of the interview, , which first appeared in The Lakeland Times, is posted separately on the Substack page.

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly is seeking a return to the state’s highest court in the spring elections. The primary is February 21 and the general election is April 4 in this high-stakes election. Everything is on the line because conservatives hold only a 4-3 majority (and one of those four goes off the rails regularly). Recently I had the pleasure to have an in-depth conversation with justice Kelly. In this discussion, he explains what it means to be a constitutional conservative, and he touches on a range of crucial constitutional issues, from the First Amendment and the administrative state to eminent domain and due deference, and more. Conservatives won’t want to miss this illuminating interview.

In the conversation, justice Kelly talks about the importance of legislative oversight of the administrative state, and he has written a manual, published by the Institute for Reforming Government, “The Lawmaker’s Manual for Legislative Oversight,” which demonstrates just how the legislature can keep executive agencies in their lanes. You can find the manual here.

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly is seeking a 10-year term on the state’s highest court.

Richard Moore In-Depth
Richard Moore In-Depth
Independent investigative journalism, focusing on government accountability, transparency, civil liberties, and the dangers of the administrative state